Sunday, August 7, 2011

Happy Sunday....

Though the weekend is over, and according to the calendar, summer is coming to an end soon (but not here), with temperatures still in the mid 90's and high humidity - I am always reminded of no matter the temperature and the humidity, there is so much to be grateful for living in the Sunshine State.  Last evening, as with every Saturday, my husband and I had our date night.  We went to the International Plaza in Tampa for shopping (yes, I actually bought a pair of Ugg's Caspia boots).   Yeah, I know with temperatures in the mid 90's what was I thinking...well, I love them, they are so soft inside it's like waking on a cloud.  They are super cute on, and believe it or not, I got the last pair, only one left in a different size, so I'm not the only one out there thinking and hoping for a super cold winter here.

After shopping for a few hours we drove over to the Sunshine Skyway Bridge for a little photography, it started to sprinkle a little as we arrived, but stopped as soon as we pulled over to watch the sunset.  Wished it was a little earlier so the water would have been more blue but it was getting dark   But the sunset was spectacular...after watching the sun go down we left for one of my favorite Southwest Restaurants called Red Mesa...ohhhh, so good.  If you live in this area, and haven't tried it, you really should, the food is fabulous and never disappointing over the many years we've been going there.  My husband is out playing golf, all three of the fur babies have been bathed and groomed and are sound to sleep like little babies, and I about ready to start making the Taquitos and Spanish noodles for dinner.  I must say, it's been a very nice, relaxing weekend - ready for the week ahead.  Hope everyone had a great weekend as well and the week ahead is a wonderful one.  Hope you enjoy the pictures.


  1. Like always your photos are just out of this world. Its been several years since I have been over the Skyway Bridge, its just as I remember, breath taking !!
    Thanks for sharing these photos, alittle of my heart will always be in Florida.


  2. your first shots of the water are so warm and gorgeous I felt like I was there sitting with you enjoying the view. love the bridge too. oh and congrats on the uggs, I too am dreaming of fall shoes, it was a cold weekend here in Monterey, not that I am complaining but it hasn't really felt like summer. I bought a pair of ugg clogs last fall, I showed them in this post And B gave me some cute UGG sandals for my Bday so I have to say I can understand why you bought them now in the middle of summer, they are great shoes. Have a great and hopefully cool week! xo L

  3. Those photos are breathtakingly gorgeous. I have two pair of UGG boots, I love em.

  4. Love those UGG's. SO cute. Love my UGGS. And great photos. Such a pretty sunset. Hope you have a fabulous week.

  5. I would love to be able to take beautiful photos of a sunset as you have here. They are amazing.

  6. Oh, your pictures make me miss my Florida...looking forward to returning in the fall and riding over the Skyway Bridge. The bridge is like an open door welcoming us back.

    Lovely sunset! We don't see those in Iowa...ever.

  7. I love the boots. I can just imagine fall/winter when I look at them. You know I am ready for the cooler temps, and I know you are as well. Yum on the taquitos and noodles. I hope your dinner was delicious.

    The photos of the water and sunset are beautiful. I felt like I was right there with you, watching it. How peaceful and serene. I always love your water photos! :)

    I hope you have a wonderful week.

  8. Gorgeous pictures, from a fellow Floridian ;)

    And we have to be prepared, it does get cold here! The restaurant and your cooking sound amazing!

  9. Just want to thank you all for the wonderful kind comments...I feel so bad that I haven't responded...had bronchitis during while continue to try and get these CD's done for the family reunion, I just have to keep going...feel so much better now, but only one more week to complete. Your comments are very important to me and I really do appreciate them all, and as I do meeting such great ladies as yourselves. Hope everyone is having a great weekend...I am so looking forward to my reunion, but I miss being on here reading all the wonderful posts...thank you again, so much!

  10. Hola! Hope you are feeling better and that your reunion project is going well. Don't worry about us, we will all be here waiting for your next wonderful post. Sometimes life just take over. I know with my new job and life in Monterey I don't get o blog or comment as much as I would like, but that is life... some days you have more time than others.

    Hope you have a great week!

  11. Oh my goodness!!! Your photos are just beautiful!!!!!!! Hope you had a wonderful weekend:)

  12. Gorgeous photos my friend!!!!

