Friday, December 10, 2010

Natural Christmas Ornament...

These adorable floral Christmas ornaments were found in this months issue of  Sunset Magazine.  Suggested as a gift idea, which in my opinion is perfect for those who love the outdoors and nature.  Living where I do, I would hang them from some of my tropicals that have the up lighting on them, and that would add sparkle to them in the evening.  You could either make them yourself for the glass balls can be found at any craft store, and you can chose the tiny air plants, moss and other plants from your local florist.  If you live here in Florida, or any warmer climate all these items can easily be found at any park, or even beach area. No matter where you live, there are such natural resources everywhere to make them to your own specifications.  If you love the beach, as many of us do, this would be a time to add some beautiful shells to the plants and tiny twigs and moss.  Something so simple can be so beautiful at the same time.

If you would rather purchase them they are from Flora Grubb Gardens.